What We Do

School Based Mentoring

School Based Mentoring

What We Do

School Based Mentoring also known as "School Buddies"  utilizes high school mentors  "Big Buddies" that meet weekly with their elementary and middle school mentees "Little Buddies."  The program curriculum centers around the Search Institute's 40 Developmental Assets that help create healthy, caring, productive adults. 

Who We Serve

School Based Mentoring currently serves schools in Erie, Seneca and Sandusky Counties – 10 school buildings

Our Results

At the end of each school year, we have our teachers and mentors complete surveys regarding the mentees progress during that current year.  In the 2018-2019 School Year, our teachers and mentors reported:

  • 92% of mentees showed an increase in trust
  • 82% of mentees showed an increase in self esteem
  • 78% of mentees showed an increase in ability to express feelings
  • 82% of mentees showed an increase in relationships with their peers
  • 72% of mentees showed an increase in class participation
  • 76% of mentees showed an increase in positive attitude towards school

2018-2019 School Buddies